
Werner Fuls


Werner has 20+ years’ experience as a Chartered Accountant and Wealth Specialist. Werner has spent his career as Divisional Manager/Specialist wealth manager at UHNW, PWC, Deloitte, RMB and ABSA Wealth and is currently CEO of international energy company Avelar Energy SA and a wealth management company. Werner has been involved in various energy projects, including REIPP bids, Eskom and co-manages international SA partnerships. Werner is a specialist in project finance and tax structuring.

  • Developed and installed the first commercial PPA outside of Government in South Africa for a commercial facility.
  • Initiated one of the larger wealth management companies in South Africa.
  • Involved in various mergers and acquisitions in South Africa, including raising funds for some of these projects.
  • Currently managing wealth and family structures for some of South Africa’s wealthiest families.