Technical Partner

Warwick Stark

Lighting Specialist

Warwick has 10+ years’ experience in the design, adaptation and implementation of Energy Efficiency (EE) Strategies. As leading Lighting Specialist, Warwick is responsible for the development of lighting solutions, making use of mapping software and matching results with OSHACT requirements. Warwick has designed and implemented major lighting programs, introducing optimal use of daylight as part of his design philosophy.

  • Installation and implementation of a lighting upgrade for Marketpro.
  • Installation and implementation of a lighting upgrade for two of VAE Voestalpine SA’s production sites:
    VAE voestalpine SA – Isando 56kw reduction.
    VAE voestalpine SA – Kimberly 66kw reduction.
  • Lighting review for Dawn DDC Germiston, identification of 3rd round cost savings.
  • Lighting review and lux map designs for Ferro quality control laboratory.
  • Lighting upgrade and cost reduction program for Lasher Tools inclusive of lux map designs.