Moorddrift Dairies

Moorddrift Dairies

Energy planning for the future starts with efficiency

This Limpopo-based dairy farm buys electricity from local municipalities at their dairy plant in Limpopo as well as their distribution facility in Pretoria. The installation of electricity check meters has been a first step towards gaining technical insight into the consumption of electricity with tariff structure optimisation enabling significant cost savings.  

A power factor unit was installed to reduce kVA demand costs. A temporary power analyser was installed to determine the load profile of the homogenizer and a reduction from a 75kW to a 55kW motor with a VSD was confirmed as being the correct technical specification for this plant.  

This electricity consumer is now well-positioned to implement future energy cost saving initiatives which could include a cold room energy optimisation project and a solar PV plant. Emergency transformers on this 33kV supply was also sourced and supplied within 24 hours.