Lasher: Wheelbarrow and Garden Tool Manufacturer

Lasher: Wheelbarrow and Garden Tool Manufacturer

The journey of continuous energy improvement

During a period of extreme electricity power outages in 2016, energy security requirements were addressed when Dabar Energy managed a project to install 6 X 450kW diesel generators. These generators were synchronised to optimise diesel consumption based on the required load at any given point in time.  

Subsequent electricity efficiency projects included the changing of lighting technology to new generation LED technology. A portion of the lighting project revolved around the installation of specialist lighting which is used in high-temperature environments. From a power quality perspective, a Power Factor Control (PFC) unit to reduce demand profile kVA costs was installed. Voltage stabilisers were supplied to Lasher to ensure that the quality of power on some critical equipment remain within specification.  

A recent infrastructure project was undertaken to design and install the electrical reticulation of a new manufacturing facility. This was done on a turnkey basis including the supply and installation of cable racking, cables and distribution panels. The issuing of electrical certificates of compliance (COCs) formed part of the project.